Saturday 20 August 2011

Tutorial Notes Week 3: Virtual

What is Virtual: Virtuality can be interpreted as a component, layer or mechanism that is created to present an element that is not real in the physical world as we see it today. It can be created in the mind of the user, or be created within architecture. Designers can deliberatly create perceptions so that users engage with the element of virtuality in architectural forms.

For example...

Specific Context: Rehabilitation Healthcare
User: Ill patients
Situation: Recovery
Strategies: The designer can create spaces that make the patient feel as though they are in another place. If they are in a healthcare fascility in the middle of the city, it is hardly an environment that would promote recovery. Designers could create lighting, 'views' out windows, smells, temperatures, sounds and other sensory elements within architecture to promote the feeling that a patient is in a positive invoronment that would stimulate recovery. It is virtual because the elements come together to create an impression in a patients mind, which is a virtual reflection.

Similarly using this kind of approach designers could create a parliment building that had one room that can be adapted to be both the senate and the house of reprasentatives, via the use of colour changing lights and other mechanisms that create a virtual space.

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